2024 Ag. Safety Day

May 2024
PYA Ag. Students hosted around 300 Penn Yan Middle School students for our 2nd annual Progressive Agriculture Safety Day! 🚜👩‍🌾
Students rotated through five stations, learning vital skills such as:
- **First Aid (Stop the Bleeding):** Techniques to manage severe bleeding until professional help arrives. 🩹🆘
- **Hearing Protection:** The importance of protecting ears in noisy environments and how to use earplugs and earmuffs. 👂🔊
- **Underground Utilities:** Safety around buried utilities and the importance of calling before digging. 📞⚠️
- **Hypothermia Prevention:** Recognizing symptoms and taking action to stay warm and safe in cold conditions. 🥶🧤
- **Grain Bin Safety:** Understanding the dangers of grain bins and how to avoid accidents. 🌾⚠️
Every student received a free T-shirt and a bag filled with fun giveaways and important safety information. 🎒👕
A special thanks to the Penn Yan Area Vol. Ambulance Corps, UDig NY and Duane Martin for running stations and donating items for our take away bags. A big thanks to the Progressive Agriculture Safety Days Foundation for making this event possible! 🙌🎉