CTE (Career & Technical Education) Defined

New York State Association of Career and Technical Education, NYSACTE, is a statewide organization representing and supporting thousands of career and technical education professionals. NYSACTE represents eight different divisions of Career and Technical Education (CTE) in New York State. These divisions are comprised of Administrators of Career and Technical Education, Agricultural, Business, Family and Consumer Science, Health Occupations, Technology Education, Trade and Tech, and Work-Experience Coordinators.
Members of NYSACTE understands that together, as Career and Technical Educators, (CTE) they offer cutting edge, rigorous and relevant career and technical education that prepares individuals for high-wage, high-scale, high-demand careers in established and emerging industries. Passionate educators who share a great pride in their profession understand that by working together they are able to address the needs of industries and assists in closing the skills gap as we rebuild the infrastructure of the United States.

NYSACTE Mission:

To provide leadership in developing a competitive workforce

To provide leadership and unification for Career and Technical Education professional associations

To provide the members of the Career and Technical Education community with professional development

To promote Career and Technical Education with students, student leadership organizations, the education community, and the public

To monitor and initiate legislative and policy activities that enhance and promote Career and Technical Education