Dual Enrollment Programs
Dual enrollment programs offer students the opportunity to enroll in a course that will earn both high school and college credit at the same time. Dual enrollment is a cost efficient route to a post-secondary diploma. In preparing for college, cost is always a factor. Students have the option of completing course work at a fraction of the cost of any college or university. To sign up for these classes or to receive additional information, please contact the Guidance Office at (315) 536-4420.
Advanced Placement
The Advanced Placement (AP) program offered through Penn Yan Academy in cooperation with the College Board is designed for students capable of doing college level work and who will devote the energy necessary to complete the more rigorous and demanding requirements. AP exams are offered each year in May and could provide students with college credits from many colleges and universities. On a scale of 1 to 5, a student must usually earn a score of at least 3 or 4 in order to receive credit from a college or university. Each college or university decides the score a student must earn for credit. There is a fee assessed each year by the College Board to take the exam, payable by the student. The cost of the 2021 exam is $95. Fee waivers are available for eligible students. There may also be pre-requisite courses that must be taken before enrollment in an AP class and some require summer assignments be completed before the class begins. Check the PYA Course Offerings Handbook for information.
AP Courses Offered at PYA: AP European History, AP History, AP English, AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Music Theory.
AP Courses Offered at PYA: AP European History, AP History, AP English, AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Music Theory.
The Gemini Program through FLCC affords our students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. The courses are taught by Penn Yan faculty and are available to juniors and seniors who have met the prerequisites outlined for each course in the PYA Course Offerings Handbook. Students who wish to enroll in a Gemini class must have a cumulative average over 80%. All courses earn three college credits through FLCC with the exception of Calculus, Biology I and II, Chemistry I and II, and Physics I and II which each earn four credits per class. All courses taken through FLCC are transferable to all SUNY schools and many private institutions. Students who choose not to attend FLCC directly out of high school must request their transcript be sent to the school of their choice. Each college and university has their own rules on accepting transfer credit. The expense for each college course for the 2020-2021 school year is $5.00 per credit hour ($15.00-$20.00 per course) payable by the student. Students register at PYA and receive FLCC student status.
College Biology |
AP Calculus |
AP History |
Business Organization |
Com 110:Speech |
Microsoft Apps |
English 101/102 |
Mathematics of Money |
French 4 & 5 |
College Chemistry |
College Health |
Spanish 4 & 5 |
Precalculus |
College Psychology |
AP European History |
Art History |
College Government |
College Economics |
College Physics |
Human Body Systems | AP Statistics |
College Env Science
Accounting | Personal Finance-CTE |
Project Lead the Way -Engineering Program
Project Lead the Way is a partnership between PYA and Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). The program introduces high school students to the academics, equipment, and processes they will encounter in a college engineering program. Students will be given the opportunity to earn credit hours in the following college level courses:
Design and Drawing for Production, Principles of Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Digital Electronics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Students who earn an average of 85% or above in each class and score at least a 70% on the RIT exam given at the end of each course are eligible to apply for RIT credit. Cost is payable upon receipt of grade for credit. The tuition rate is $225 per course. The grade that the student earns on the RIT transcript is the grade that they received on the RIT exam.
Design and Drawing for Production, Principles of Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Digital Electronics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Students who earn an average of 85% or above in each class and score at least a 70% on the RIT exam given at the end of each course are eligible to apply for RIT credit. Cost is payable upon receipt of grade for credit. The tuition rate is $225 per course. The grade that the student earns on the RIT transcript is the grade that they received on the RIT exam.
Project Lead the Way-Biomedical Program
Students will be given the opportunity to earn credit hours from Missouri University of Science and Technology in the following college level courses: Principles of Bio Medicine, Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions. If a student achieves a grade of an A or B in the class, he/she may register for Missouri S&T credit. The fee is $250 per course. Students can obtain an application from the Guidance Office and must submit it before graduation.