'75 Club
In 1975, voters rejected the 1975-76 budget on two separate occasions. The result was an austerity budget that would have eliminated extracurricular activities, including all interscholastic sports. Parents, businesses, and community members approached the Board of Ed to ask permission to fund extracurricular activities. The group formed was open to any person wishing to help financially or those able to donate time and energy to the mission of the Club. The Club, led by Co-Chairs Bob Legault and Bill Whitaker, Secretary Don Stork, and Treasurer Harold Forshey raised funds for the fall programs while adding boys soccer to the athletic program. In October, the group approached the BOE to ask to continue fundraising for the Winter and Spring seasons. The BOE agreed and fundraising began. The Club, now led by President Harold Forshey, VP Herb Fitch, Secretary Don Stork, and Treasurer Nick Pallar met and exceeded their goals.